Monday, March 9, 2015

Mexican Music: Malagueña Salerosa

This is one of the most famous Mexican songs, about a poor Mexican man who is in love with a woman from Málaga, a city is southern Spain. The three versions on this page are all by Mexican singers. If you check on YouTube, you can find versions by singers from Spain and even Italy, but they don't feel so authentic.

The version below is sung by Javier Solis:

The version below is by TrÍo TiracurÍ:

Here is a karaoke version:

Please note that each singer changes the words a little bit to suit his own style, so you might find that the lyrics don't match up 100%. The Spanish lyrics appear below, along with my own literal English translation.Sigh! The Spanish sounds so much more beautiful!

Malagueña: Lyrics in Spanish and English

Que bonitos ojos tienes
what pretty eyes you have
Debajo de esas dos cejas
under those two eyebrows
Debajo de esas dos cejas
under those two eyebrows
Que bonitos ojos tienes
what pretty eyes you have

Ellos me quieren mirar
they want to look at me
Pero si tu no los dejas
but if you don’t let them
Pero si tu no los dejas
but if you don’t let them
Ni siquiera parpadear
you don’t even let them blink

Malagueña salerosa
[Oh,] graceful lady from Málaga
Besar tus labios quisiera
I would like to kiss your lips
Besar tus labios quisiera
I would like to kiss your lips
Malagueña salerosa
[Oh,] graceful lady from Málaga

Eres linda y hechicera
You are beautiful and enchanting!
Que eres li…..nda y hechicera
[Oh,] How beau…..tiful and enchanting you are!
Como el candor de una rosa
like the innocence of a rose
Y deci……rte niña hermosa
and te…..ll you [that you are] a beautiful girl
Que eres linda y hechicera
[Oh,] How beautiful and enchanting you are!
Como el candor de una rosa
like the innocence of a rose

Si por pobre me desprecias
If you look down on me because I am poor
Yo te concedo razón
I will admit that you’re right
Yo te concedo razón
I will admit that you’re right
Si por pobre me desprecias
If you look down on me because of my poverty

Yo no te ofrezco riquezas
I am not offering you riches
Te ofrezco mi corazón
I am offering you my heart
Te ofrezco mi corazón
I am offering you my heart
A cambio de mi pobreza
in exchange for my poverty

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