Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Kindle -- Efficient Reading 4

[BIZ] Before you visit another country, it is important to do some homework. Here is part of the Table of Contents (TOC) for Romania-Culture Smart! The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture, a very interesting and useful book about Romania. By skimming the Table of Contents, I can quickly find some interesting sections to read before I get on the airplane to Eastern Europe.

Although Romania has woken up from the nightmare of communism (in 2006, a Romanian government study estimated that there were over 2,000,000 victims) for almost 25 years, the TOC shows me that people's behavior is still affected (Chapter 2). One effect is "cutting corners" (cheating), and another is probably "conspicuous consumption" (buying expensive things to make yourself look more important).

Another interesting topic is making friends (Chapter 4). How do people talk to each other? Should I learn Romanian? Or is it a waste of time?

Chapter 8 will help me get ready to do business in Romania. Bribery and bureaucracy ofter go together. I wonder what else this chapter will talk about?

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