Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Bolivia: the Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca (Cultural Tourism)

Lake Titicaca, located on the border between Bolivia and Peru, is the highest navigable  lake (navigable = boats can travel here) in the world, almost 4000 meters above sea level. The Uros people depend on reeds for their lives: they make reed boats, their homes are made of reeds and they live on some forty floating reed islands. The Uros people even use the reeds for medicine.
Uros and 'totora' boat, Lake Titicaca, CC--BY-NC-ND
rickz via Compfight cc
Walking on reeds is not like walking on land: your foot sinks down each time you take a step. The islands slowly rot (especially in the rainy season) and sink into the water, so the reeds often need to be replaced.
Uros Floating Islands, CC--BY-NC-SA Molly & Joel Crist
mjcristphotos via Compfight cc
Pay special attention to the following video, which includes very clear English captions. Young Uros people used to leave for the city because there were no jobs on their island. Now that there is more and more tourism, they have started coming back.

The Island People: Isla Uros from Atlas Obscura on Vimeo.

The Uros people have some modern conveniences, such as television, which are powered by solar panels. Tourism has changed their way of life, but are these changes for the better?

The Uros Islands of Lake Titicaca from James A Hubley on Vimeo.

More on the floating islands:

Peru Floating Islands - Lake Titicaca from Tin Rooster Media on Vimeo.

Grass fibers have other uses.

Grass fibers can even be used to make suspension bridges. Would you like to walk on this bridge?

The Last Incan Grass Bridge: Keshwa Chaca from Atlas Obscura on Vimeo.

Which is your favorite place to visit in Bolivia?

Photo Credits:
1. Totora Boat: rickz via Compfight cc
2. Floating Island: mjcristphotos via Compfight cc

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